Effect of Motivation, Compensation and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance
1Heri Sasono,2Dan Agus Razikin
1Stie Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta
2Politeknik Pratama Mulia, Surakarta

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Employee performance must be continuously improved in order to win business competition. The purpose of this study was to see what factors influenced employee performance at the Gran Rubina Generali Tower Flat Owners and Occupants Association (PPPSRS), seen from the factors of Motivation, Compensation, and Job Satisfaction.
The research method uses correlation analysis, multiple linear regression, t test and ANOVA test using SPSS Version 26 software and samples taken as many as the existing population.
It turns out that the Motivation Variable has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance, while the Compensation and Job Satisfaction Variables have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously the Variables of Motivation, Compensation and Job Satisfaction have a significant effect on employee performance.


Motivation, Compensation, Job Satisfaction and employee performance.


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